A Well Fed World – Vegan Feeding Program in Liberia

VEGAN 22First of all, the people of Lofa County, Liberia and the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society extend sincere thanks and appreciation to Dawn Moncrief and the entire staff and compassionate donors of A Well Fed World for the donations. The funds made tremendous impact at this crucial moment in Liberia when Liberians are fighting the Ebola epidemic. The Ebola crisis has taken the lives of over 4,000 Liberians. The fund was very crucial in saving the lives of farm animals, pets and feeding the starving population with free vegan food.

When the Ebola disease started in Liberia in March, 2014, the government of Liberia placed a ban on the hunting and eating of all bush meat as one of the effective ways of fighting the spread of the Ebola disease. The banning of bush meat consumption in the country was highly appreciated by the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society. However, the ban created a very serious threat for farm animals and pets. The consumption of farm animals and pets increased at an alarming rate.

The Ebola epidemic has also created food shortage in the country. The virus entered the country at which time the subsistence farmers were getting ready to start their farming activities. The Ebola crisis disrupted every farming activity in the affected communities. Lofa County is one of the epicenters for the Ebola virus in the country. The virus entered the country through Lofa County from neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.

The funds received from A Well Fed World were used to address the issues of farm animal and pet consumption and feed the starving population with free vegan food. The Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society used the funds to provide free plant based diets to four affected towns in Lofa County. These communities are:

1. Whycardou————500 people benefited
2. Bakorma————– 250 people benefited
3. Jarmolon————— 400 people benefited
4. Voinjama————– 154 people benefited
A Total of: 1,304 people benefited from the plant based diets

The Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society spent three days in each town.

Day 1: Educated the people on the importance of plant based diets/ Animal protection
Day 2: Provided plant based diets for the entire community as sample food
Day 3: Gave each family a take home supply of plant based diets.

We wouldn`t have saved the lives of farm animals, pets and the starving population at this crucial time in Liberia without your support. We therefore extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the family of A Well Fed World and all the compassionate donors.

Morris Darbo
Program Coordinator
Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society