
Rabies Vaccination Campaign 2010

LAWS7The Liberia Animal Welfare Society Lofa Branch has been working with two organisations in administering free vaccines and other treatments for animals in some part of Lofa county. The below information will give you the detail about the work:
We worked with Vets Without Borders team from America in administering rabies vaccine to dogs and cats, and dewormer to cattle, goat and sheep. The vaccination provided by Vets without Borders team from America were given to animals in Foya District, Lofa County.This activity took place on April 15 and 16 2010.

The other free treatment was provided by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) This activity took place from April 18 to the 25, 2010. All the activities were done in very few communities in two districts. Foya and Voinjama districts. Lofa County has seven districts. We are appealing to other organisations to help the Liberia Animal Welfare Society to provide treatments for animals in this part of the world. Since 1985, there has been no facility to provide treatments and protect the welfare of animals in Liberia. This organisation needs fund, technical assistance and other resources to provide full protection and treatment for the welfare of animals in Liberia.

Sincerely yours,
Morris Darbo
Regional Coordinator
LAWS, Lofa branch

Spay Day 2011

The Liberia Animal Welfare Society will educate community people and students about the important of spaying and neutering dogs and cats. In Liberia people are not educate on spay and neuter asa the result there are lot of stray dogs and cats because people are not able to feed all the dogs and cats they have. Some times, when there is an out break of rabies in a community, people will kill all the dogs as means of controlling the spread of rabies and controlling the Birth rate of dogs and cats. LAWS believes that if more awareness and education are done in various communities and in schools, people will prefer to spay/neuter their dogs and cats than killing them to control the birth rate. This is also help in reducing stray dogs and cats in the various communities. LAWS will engage in creating awareness in four schools in Voinjama City, namely: SDA School, Voinjama Public School, Child Welfare Community School and Newlife Community School. The activity will be done in Vezela, Voinjama City, Galam, Lawalazu, Sarkonedu and Selega. This event will be done in February, 2011.

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