
LAWCS 2020 First Quarter Update

Humane Education Program in 42 Schools

Touching the lives of children through Humane Education and connecting them to experience the unconditional love of animals help to inspire and make them as compassionate people who will become animal caregivers, ambassadors, educators, advocates and rescuers. Our team visits and creates the opportunities for the children in 42 schools to discover their innate love and passion for other creatures that share the planet with us through various interactive programs. Our team met and inspired 2816 children from January to March, 2020.

LAWCS Animal Kindness Star

Every time we highlight children who are doing wonderful work to save and improve conditions for animals. Mary Saah and her friends were doing community outreach animal welfare education as part of their Kindness Club project when she saw this puppy in a very bad state-the dog was starving and filthy. With tears in her eyes, she immediately asked the puppy’s owner if she could take the puppy home. The owner agreed. She rescued the puppy and named her LUCKY. Mary and Lucky are now the best of friends-as you can see in the pictures. Together they serve as models in their community and school. Other children are now learning from Mary and Lucky about kindness, compassion and love for animals. Your donation can help prepare and graduate many kids as Mary who will serve as animal ambassadors, advocates, rescuers and educators.

LAWCS Free Outreach Animal Health Clinic

LAWCS Outreach clinics target poor communities in rural Lofa County and offer free veterinary services such as de-worming, mange treatment, rabies and parovirus vaccinations, sores treatment, flea/tick prevention and treatment and free nutritional diets for dogs and cats. Basic animal welfare education is also offered during the clinics. By working with rural communities to improve the health of their animals through education and free treatments, we are helping to create healthier, safer and happier communities for animals and people. For the past three months, LAWCS conducted 8 animal clinics and treated 609 dogs and 55 cats. 2,421 animal owners were reached with the education program.

Wildlife Protection Initiative

Liberia is a rainforest country with diverse species of wild animals but sadly, bush meat, habitat loss, mining activities, and wildlife trafficking are the main drivers pushing many of the species to the brink of extinction. LAWCS is combating bush meat, wildlife trafficking and habitat loss by engaging rural communities around protected areas, bush meat sellers and school children with various wildlife protection messages including the importance of protecting wildlife, the forest, and the wildlife protection law of Liberia. 1297 community members, market women and school children were met and inspired to protect the wildlife population of Liberia and its habitats.

Guinea Working Animal Welfare Program

Working cattle and donkeys are the main animals used in Guinea for agricultural activities including transporting materials. Kankan region where we work has no animal welfare organization to work with the authorities and animal owners to improve the health and welfare of the animals. The animal owners have little understanding of the health and welfare issues that affect their animals. They treat their animals based on the ways they think are appropriate not based on any proper and humane standards. Working animals are subjected to unnecessary suffering, pain and starvation with lack of veterinary care. Our tream provides free veterinary care for working animals and educates the children and animal owners about the basic welfare needs of animals. 619 working cattle and donkeys received direct veterinary care and treatments and 1739 animal owners and children were met and educated about kindness and compassion for animals.

Rabies Day Fundraiser for LAWCS

The Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society needs our help to vaccinate 1500 dogs in Kolba City, Lofa County this World Rabies Day 2019.

The Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society is a key player towards rabies elimination and responsible dog ownership programs in Liberia. Rabies has been confirmed in canines in Liberia and the presence and fear of this virus has serious implications for both humans and dogs. Reports of dog bites or rabies often leads to the mass killing of dogs by local authorities within communities.

Last year, the LAWCS rabies vaccination program saved the lives of 1500 dogs in Voinjama City that may have otherwise been killed because of suspected rabies cases in the area. This year, we hope to provide free rabies vaccinations to the same number of dogs in Kolba City, Lofa County during the celebration of World Rabies Day in September.

Donations through this GoFundMe will be received by Animal Kind International, a US-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which will disburse the funds to LAWCS.  

More information about Animal Kind International: AKI raises funds for & sends supplies to existing animal welfare organizations (AWO) in Africa, Latin America, Caribbean & E. Europe. We support AWOs (our partner organizations) in: Uganda, Liberia, Tanzania, Ghana, Namibia, So. Sudan, Honduras, Jamaica, & Armenia. We do the due diligence on our AW partner orgs so you know that your donations are being used to help animals in need. We send 100% of all donations received to our partner organizations. We have no overhead.

Liberia Animal Welfare and Conservation Society 2018 Annual Success Report

In 2018, LAWCS achieved the following:

Provided free healthcare and treatments for 6,000 companion animals (dogs and cats), and 3,000 farm animals (goats, sheep and pigs)

Established Humane Education Programs in 36 schools, reached and inspired 25,600 schoolchildren

Conducted animal welfare education program in 90 towns and reached 3,570 adults

Established Animal Welfare Focal Group in each of the 90 towns with 10 members each

Trained and empowered 80 classroom teachers with various humane education materials

LAWCS was represented and made presentations at conferences in Kenya, Lesotho, Jordan and Lebanon

Established school garden in 10 schools and provided plant based diets to 3,000 schoolchildren

Established Animal Kindness Clubs in the 36 schools with 30 members each, totaling to 1,080 members

Supported 36 Student-Led Humane Education Projects which helped the students/Animal Kindness Clubs to undertake various programs that impacted the lives of animals, people and improve the environment

Rescued and re-homed 50 neglected pets (dogs and cats)

Responded to 60 animal abuse cases

Conducted a year round Radio Education Program with 2 community radios reaching the public with various animal welfare messages

Conducted World Rabies Day and World Animal Day celebrations reaching over 2,000 people at each event

Provided free rabies vaccine for 1,500 dogs and cats in Voinjama City

LAWCS 2016 Annual Report

LAWCS was able to educate many children and adults and help many animals in 2016 thanks to the hard work of our volunteers and staff and to the generosity of our donors. Our achievements for 2016 are summarized below.

Please click here to download the full annual report for 2016.

Implemented Animal Welfare Programs in 32 schools and reached 18,284 schoolchildren
 Facilitated and supported 22 various Students Led Animal Welfare Projects
 Trained 2,301 pet owners on responsible pet ownership
 Established school gardens in 14 schools
 Established Animal Kindness Clubs in 22 schools
 Responded to 60 animal abuse cases
 Provided free basic animal healthcare to 2,108 companion animals mainly dogs and cats
 Celebrated World Rabies Day Event in Liberia
 Celebrated World Animal Day Program
 Executive Director Morris Darbo attended the Humane Society International supported Animal Care
Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
 Received two International Awards:
a. Received a prestigious International Award from Global Alliance for Rabies Control in recognition
of its work done in Liberia towards its animal protection work and the elimination of rabies:
b. Recognized another International Award as the Best Society for Animal Rights Activism – Liberia in
recognition of its work towards improving conditions for animals in Liberia. The award is by UK
organization Global Health and Pharma:

Anti-Pet Eating and Humane Education

H 3

Presently our program is attracting hundreds of children from every school. We use TV and sometimes projector to teach humane education including the dog bite prevention education using the Clicker Puppy training DVD.

During the program, we provide vegan meal to all the children attending the event. We deal with over 500 children at each program.

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Dog Bite Prevention Challenge Report – 2015

Duration: March to May 22, 2015

Report Date: May 26, 2015

Summary report on the activity implementation

Liberia is one of the countries in the world where little or no information is given to children about dog body language and bite prevention.

Children are being attacked by dogs due to lack of knowledge about dog safety and dog behavior; and for every child that is attacked; it is the dog that pays the ultimate price when euthanized. Before the establishment of the dog bite prevention program in Lofa County, Liberia by the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society in partnership with Doggone Safe Canada, the dog bite incidence in Lofa County among the children was alarming, with community leaders authorizing the killing of community dogs as means of curtailing the rampant dog bite incidents. This method did not help to reduce the incidents among the children until 2011 when Doggone Safe started to empower LAWCS to educate the children about dog body language and bite prevention. Since then there has been drastic reduction in the number of dog bite incidents among children in communities visited by the program.

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A Well Fed World – Vegan Feeding Program in Liberia

VEGAN 22First of all, the people of Lofa County, Liberia and the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society extend sincere thanks and appreciation to Dawn Moncrief and the entire staff and compassionate donors of A Well Fed World for the donations. The funds made tremendous impact at this crucial moment in Liberia when Liberians are fighting the Ebola epidemic. The Ebola crisis has taken the lives of over 4,000 Liberians. The fund was very crucial in saving the lives of farm animals, pets and feeding the starving population with free vegan food.

When the Ebola disease started in Liberia in March, 2014, the government of Liberia placed a ban on the hunting and eating of all bush meat as one of the effective ways of fighting the spread of the Ebola disease. The banning of bush meat consumption in the country was highly appreciated by the Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society. However, the ban created a very serious threat for farm animals and pets. The consumption of farm animals and pets increased at an alarming rate.

The Ebola epidemic has also created food shortage in the country. The virus entered the country at which time the subsistence farmers were getting ready to start their farming activities. The Ebola crisis disrupted every farming activity in the affected communities. Lofa County is one of the epicenters for the Ebola virus in the country. The virus entered the country through Lofa County from neighboring Guinea and Sierra Leone.

The funds received from A Well Fed World were used to address the issues of farm animal and pet consumption and feed the starving population with free vegan food. The Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society used the funds to provide free plant based diets to four affected towns in Lofa County. These communities are:

1. Whycardou————500 people benefited
2. Bakorma————– 250 people benefited
3. Jarmolon————— 400 people benefited
4. Voinjama————– 154 people benefited
A Total of: 1,304 people benefited from the plant based diets

The Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society spent three days in each town.

Day 1: Educated the people on the importance of plant based diets/ Animal protection
Day 2: Provided plant based diets for the entire community as sample food
Day 3: Gave each family a take home supply of plant based diets.

We wouldn`t have saved the lives of farm animals, pets and the starving population at this crucial time in Liberia without your support. We therefore extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the family of A Well Fed World and all the compassionate donors.

Morris Darbo
Program Coordinator
Liberia Animal Welfare & Conservation Society

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